
Waverley Warriors AGM 2020

Mon, 9 Nov 2020
from 7:00pm to 8:00pm

by Angelo Sercia
Posted: almost 4 years ago
Updated: 5 months ago by Angelo Sercia
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: 1 hour before
Ends: 08:00pm (duration is about 1 hour)

The AGM will be conducted as a Zoom Meeting pls clink the ZOOM LINK:

Hi Warriors,

Waverley Warriors would like to announce our Annual General Meeting.

Committee nominations are filled via self-nomination. The following positions are open for nomination:

· President

· Vice President

· Treasurer

· Secretary

· General Committee

If things go well with easing restrictions, we look forward to returning to the brand new playing surface and bright lights at Princes Highway Reserve in Oakleigh for the 2021 season.

Two of the current committee have signaled their intentions to stay on. If you are interested in joining the warriors committee for 2021 or have any questions about what is involved you can contact Ange on 0408 406 020

Nominations for committee positions can be sent as a message here on team app or made at the AGM on the day. If required, voting will be by members registered already via Sports TG earlier in 2020 or those who apply via the club to register a minimum of 10 days prior to the AGM.


Replies are closed.

Limit: 500 members.

0 people invited.
321 people did not reply.

5 people replied 'yes'.

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  • [2020-Nov-08 09:08 AM] Angelo Sercia: Updated
  • [2020-Nov-08 09:11 AM] Angelo Sercia: Updated

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