Round 4 Match Reports

22 May by admin

Women’s Match Report – Jen
Hi All
Just want to start by saying I can take an hour just to send a short message so composing a match report is a bit of a challenge!
Playing under our usual blue sky always a bonus. We are looking a lot like an actual skilled football team these days with plenty of great kicks marks handballs and goals. I’m not sure training can cover our sense of direction though ? A couple of great plays clearing kicks and handballs out of the pack … just in the wrong direction! Congratulations to Mich on her first game she is obviously going to be a great addition to the team.
It was a lot of fun had by all including our opponents Port Melbourne and our brilliant umpire Leanne as well as our loyal supporters .We missed Doc Rezyl Lou Cathy and Susie but everyone looked amazing out there well done Warriors. Missed you too Flea.

Men’s 50s Match Report – Dusty
My wife came to the footy on Sunday to watch the injury-ridden but not dispirited Warriors take on the Carrum Cowboys. We were full of confidence after a comfortable win over an underwhelming Port Melbourne side. But I learned two important lessons this weekend: 1. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. and 2. People can be unknowingly cruel.

We ran onto the windswept Carrum ground unsociably early on Sunday morning, with an arctic breeze blowing across the ground and an occasional patch of drizzle scudding through, just to add to the ambience. Carrum proved to be a better side than we anticipated, particularly a couple of dominant midfielders and their key forward. I thought our backline did pretty well, we were shouting and pointing, falling over and generally being pretty effective but sweet delivery out of the centre to their forward line saw them score a number of goals. I was on number 4 for a bit, Bruisa was on number 4 for a bit, Speedie was on number 4 for a bit – all to no avail. It wasn’t until Coach Kenny turned to the Paz – the Grappling Greek – that we quieted him down. (The Greeks invented wrestling after all, we should have thought of Paz sooner.)

Thorney was taking marks in the backline, crashing packs in the midfield and even kicking a goal in the forward half. (Assisted by me falling over at a crucial juncture and headbutting the ball into his path.) Frank the rampaging bull was never cowed and Sammy was a slippery as ever. CT scanned the wing for loose ball and Clint (part Masai Warrior/part Supermodel) was amazing as ever. In many departments we matched the Cowboys, but ultimately, despite our best efforts, they rode over us.

I met my wife at the car, where I learned the second lesson of the day. She said, “I thought you were playing really well, and getting lots of kicks… and then I realised it wasn’t you.” (It turns out she was watching Rev.) And then the twist of the knife. “You’re a lot shorter than I thought you were.” Oh well, there’s always the chance for redemption in the next game. Maybe I can find some growth hormone between now and then.

Men’s 35s Match Report – Louie
So the 35’s where venturing down to our old foes in Narre Warren, On Thursday morning i thought we had a team that could really take it up to Narre and push them, But good old mother nature and the other footy gods kicked in and as i turned up to the ground i was 5 players down from selection night. However by game time i had 16 players , i got changed which made it 16.5 players , Lucky Narre had abundant of players and said they would lend us 2 players a quarter which i was happy to accept and grateful to Josh their coach.
With that my magnet board was like a Tetris board trying to fit players into spots and fill holes.
The first quarter was ,’hopefully we don’t go down by 10 goals’, But as the Warriors the 35s are , everyone stood tall and did what always did fight for it all. Lachie was on an opponent twice his size Pete B was on a guy taller and stronger than him. But We held them to only 4 goals for the quarter which showed the heart of the warriors.
Second quarter was pretty much the same we , we didn’t back down, Battsy dropping into the back line and doing what he does best defending hard, Jnr was throwing everything at it all around the ground and leading as a captain does, JJ , Jules and Rhino doing their best in the midfield, Kimmy and Timmy doing the best on the wings and helping out in Defence when they could, Aj trying his heart out in Defence as always, Booma doing the hard grunting in Defence, Wardy doing an excellent job and stopping some easy entries into the defence with some great marks, Blake did an awesome effort in the backline on some quality forwards they had , Big Benny coming up against rotating Ruckman most times bigger than him did a great job and winning some of the hit outs, Goldie was even trying his best to get into the play.
Also, our New recruit from Geelong was had a great impact and can really see him fitting into the team well.
At Half Time was proud of the effort the Fellas had put in and heart they showed and was happy to take that for the day, they did only score another 4 goals.
Second half started and after a bit of word from me that i was proud they showed that we don’t lie down regardless of what comes at us, the fellas went out and didn’t back down again, some great passages of play as we have done at training and it showed we could match it with them, Harley nearly wanted to take a mark of the year , but we can’t use knees and hands in Superules…lol… We held them to 4 goals again…
Last Quater and there was a lot of sore bodies…small injuries where appearing and i could hide them all at Full forward…lol
But i said last roll of the dice , JJ in the middle on one leg, Timmy on one leg .
We started with Booma getting nearly Knocked out and not getting a free , then as we where trying to go see him, he kept fighting and took a strong mark and then getting wacked in the head and finally getting a free kick…
I also throw Lachie the machine into the middle and he was doing really well, then with 10mins to go Lachie did the best play I’ve seen him do ever, from the bounce he got the ball and smashed through 4 players and looked like to be out, when he tried his best impression of Nadia Comaneci gymnastics routine after he tried to kick the ball and another player tried to smother the ball , he did somersault in the air but did not stick the lading with his feet but with his head instead. On a serious note we did get worried straight away as he didn’t move for a good 45 secs and the game was halted immediately. He regained consciousness and tried to leave the ground but came back down pretty quick and we got him to get a stretcher and not to move again.
I missed the rest of the game as i was with Lachie and Jason the trainer who did an awesome job in making sure we did all the right things and called the ambulance and talked to the nurse on call which the ambulance wanted to be done first.
From what i seen of the last few minutes the warriors did the Jumper proudly and continued on even with one man down they fought out to the end , again only conceded 4 goals…
After about 2hrs after the game Lachie got his ride to the hospital and after many hours was given the ok that he only had a grade3/4 concussion and a bad whiplash of his neck.

I’d like to thank Narre warren for the support they gave to us with the team and Lachie

Huge thankyou to the Warriors 35’s Fellas did us proud…

Massive thankyou to Jason the Trainer , did a great job for us and Lachie….

All i can say onwards and upwards for the Warriors 35’s….Go Warriors…

PS: umpire said if Lachie stuck the landing he would have given him a 10 but as he didn’t he could only give a 9…lol…thanks willow

Monday Night AFL 9s Match Report – Matty C
We entered this important game (third vs fourth) with a few players still out. Luckily we had some very handy replacements with Richo Junior (Charlie) who is a fine young footballer and Miles who plays the game like a quick footed, silky skills left footer. It was great to welcome back Azza after his overseas ‘socialite wedding’.We have missed his pace and intercept marking in the backline. The game was played in blustery conditions and the skills reflected the conditions. Both sides struggled to use the ball effectively but kicking into the breeze we were only a few points down at half time. In the second half we managed a few nice passages of plays with Clint displaying his kicking skills with a classy left foot banana from the pocket. The game never reached great heights but we held on by 8 points. An ugly win but still a win. We look forward to Ash, Sam, CT and Lindsay returning to our team soon to allow us to firmly entrench ourselves in the Top 4. Special mention to Rodd that took a great mark in the closing minutes of the game that enabled us to record the win and to our defence that tried to double team a very potent forward line that contained an ex Carlton player Ian Prendergast who was a very good target for the opposition.
Great support in the backline was the key to our ‘ugly win’

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